Explore London with Girl Scouts

Explore London with Girl Scouts

Calling all Cadettes! Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana will be inviting 12 girls and 2 adults to join us next summer on a London adventure.

During this introduction to international travel, girls will plan where we go, how to get around, and where to eat. Is it Big Ben, Stonehenge, a Harry Potter tour, or the London Eye? Whether you’re a history buff, a Hogwarts fan, or just can’t wait to travel the world, this trip is for you!



Before the 2018 trip, you will meet on a monthly basis to practice the basics of planning a trip. You’ll have a budget to stick within, travel guides, and the trusty Internet to plan the adventure.

This adventure is open to Cadettes who are in grades 6-8 during the 2017-2018 school year and you must be 12 years old before the start of the trip. The trip will take place July 30-August 3, 2018, and cost is approximately $2,000 (inclusive of airfare, most meals, accommodations, sightseeing and transportation). Financial aid is available.


The application is now live for girls only. But don’t hesitate, the deadline to apply is June 1, 2017!

For more information, and to apply, click here.